Back from holiday

Posted by TonyN on 29/09/2010 at 6:34 pm Uncategorized Add comments
Sep 292010

I’ve been away since 13th Sept and have only looked at the blog once during that time. Apologies to those who have aimed comments at me. The recent posts (and the next one) were drafted before I left and scheduled to appear automatically.

It will be tomorrow before I even begin to catch up, but here’s a useful piece of advice: don’t start a holiday on the 13th of anything. The month old ignition coil on the car blew on a Sunday afternoon on a Spanish motorway while we were heading for the ferry port and I’ve got back to one dead computer and an AGA that won’t light. At the moment I’m trying to pluck up enough to courage  to download my email!

7 Responses to “Back from holiday”

  1. Shame you didn’t check in more often-I offered to give you £20000 towards the running of this blog if you replied by 20th September. Sorry, offer expired :)


    [TonyN: That might just about cover vehicle recovery costs on a Spanish motorway]

  2. an AGA that won’t light

    Has Monbiot been round in your absence..?

    [Have finally beaten AGA into submission. It was a blockage, not a hex cast by the Great Moonbat who, as it happens, claims to live quite near here: TonyN]

  3. Dear Mr Tony N,
    We would like to offer our services concerning a prima facie case of denial of contract by Mr. Tony B. This would be a pro bono service should we be unsuccessful on your behalf, but in the event of the more likely outcome, our fee would be 50% of the compensation awarded to you. We would expect this matter to be settled out of court.

    You are respectfully invited to reply to the attention of Ms Jedda Parson-Russell.

  4. TonyN

    Sorry to hear about your “mini-Carrington Event”.

    Are you sure that the root cause of your problems was not tied to AGW? (Maybe you should check with PeterM to see if he can’t come up with appropriate scientific references to confirm this suspicion.)

    At any rate, welcome back.


  5. Thanks Max.

    Perhaps not climate change, but possibly weather. It’s been very wet here while we’ve been away. A damp flue may have been a contributory cause of the AGA problem and a bad connection on the motherboard was the only cause of the computer problem.

    I’ve just been combing through the Sunday papers and two of the meteorological pundits point out that autumn in the UK set in at the end of August this year: unusually early. Are we slithering towards another cold winter?

  6. Hi, TonyN

    You ask:

    Are we slithering towards another cold winter?

    We had snow down to 1500 meters in the last week of September (back to the thread where Hannibal’s crossing was discussed).

    With the exception of a few warm weeks end-June and July, it has generally been a cool, wet summer and the local farmers are bracing for another cold, long winter like last year (let’s see if HadCRUT tells us it was nevertheless a record hot year globally; if so, its credibility will be questioned by many).


  7. TonyN, Positive Weather Solutions seem rather confident that there will be another cold winter coming up. I’m not entirely sold on this – doesn’t western Europe generally have a milder winter when a La Nina is in force?

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