Blog Software Upgrade

Posted by TonyN on 09/05/2011 at 1:45 pm Admin Add comments
May 092011

During the next day or two I’ll be upgrading Harmless Sky’s software and design, so things may look a bit weird at times. For instance it will take time to get all the plugins like recent comments and comment preview up and running again under the new configuration, and these things seldom go without a hitch or two.

This is a very necessary task that I’ve been putting off for ages, and the end result should be a fresher, more stable, and more up-to-date site. There will also be with more bells and whistles that a younger generation of surfers expect, which will increase it’s outreach, plus more efficient behind-the-scenes operation and maintenance.

Update: Thursday 12th May 2006

The software upgrade is posing a few more problems than expected, which is entirely my own fault for leavidg it so long before moving to a newer version. It will probably be tomorrow before things get back to normal.

With the redoubtable John A of Climate Audit  fame very kindly looking over my shoulder, I should get there in the end.

10 Responses to “Blog Software Upgrade”

  1. This blog looks so much better and it’s faster and easier to maintain. Congratulations on the upgrade and kudos to the wordpress developers.

    [TonyN says: Don’t speak too soon! I haven’t finished setting up the theme yet. But kudos to the %$%$£ who nudged me into upgrading and then fielded the silly questions when things went wrong]

  2. So far, soooo good. Best to ya!

    [TonyN; Thanks!]

  3. OK so how does my mugshot make it way into my comments. By the way I echo the previous comments

    [TonyN: That’s puzzeling me too. I’m still looking for the button that says ‘Turn off gravatars”.]

  4. I guess its just me but I find the light grey font used to display the “Recent Comments”, Links etc to be unreadable against the white background to an extent I have to highlight each comment to be able to read it.

    [TonyN: Thanks for the feedback. Is anyone else having this problem?]

  5. I’m OK with the light grey. I would say it will have a bit to do with your monitor and type of graphics adaptor.

  6. I agree with “Clivere”. The light grey for the comments and links is too light. I would recommend a darker grey or even blue or red as an alternative.

    [TonyN: I’ve made it darker. Better?]

  7. I agree that the lght grey of ‘Recent comments’ and ‘links’ is a little difficult to read. Also the ‘leave a reply’ section is misaligned according to my monitor e.g ‘name required’ does not align with the box.

    Also your blog remains the only one that does not remember my details so I have to fill it in each time.
    Other than that it all looks very nice.


  8. Tony – A bit better in that I can now just about read it but would still prefer it to be a bit darker.

    I recognise the cosmetic need for a contrast against the main darker text but readibility is more important.

  9. tonyb and clivere

    I’ve made the sidebar text even darker, but I suggest that you might review the contrast setting on your monitors. The one that I used when designing the HS theme was accurately calibrated with specialist hardware and software and the type shows up well on that.


    So far as I know your contact details for this blog should be stored on your machine in a cookie. Check that you don’t have cookies switched off or that this site is excluded from leaving cookies. It is most unlikely, I think, that the problem is with the HS server, but John A would know far better than I if he is around.

    The mangled comment form headers are the result of conflict with a plugin and this problem is on my ‘to do’ list.

  10. TonyN

    The side bar has now completely disappeared so the ‘latest comments’ and the thread subject does not appear at all.

    Cookies are enabled but as I say HS has ALWAYS been the only site which does not store my details automatically, which I must say I find a useful feature.


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