Dec 152009

Visitors to  Harmless Sky may like to consider signing this petition at 10 DOwning Stree:

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to suspend the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia from preparation of any Government Climate Statistics until the various allegations have been fully investigated by an independent body. More details

To sign go to :

This has already attracted over 2500 signatures and will be open until the end of February. If you do decide to sign and there is no security risk in doing so please spread the word  and the URL wherever you comment on the net.

It would seem likely that the final total will be a large one and there is an additional benefit. When the petition closes, the government will publish a statement giving reasons for either complying with the petitioners’ requests or for not doing so. That could be interesting.

There can be some delay in names appearing in the  list on the petition website.

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