Aug 012011

I have had two phone calls this afternoon from people who would be most likely to know what is happening in the long and immensely frustrating saga of getting our airfield up and running again. Both tell me that Kemble Air Services have at last received a certificate of lawful usage from the Snowdonia National Park Authority, and the airfield can now reopen. However it may be necessary for Kemble to obtain planning permission before private flying can take place as previous usage was by military and government contractor’s aircraft. Neither of the people I have spoken to seem to know precisely what Kemble’s plans are now.

Congratulations and thanks to all those who have helped to bring this about.

One Response to “Llanbedr Airlfield ‘go-ahead’ at last”

  1. Brilliant news, when I last visited the airfield it was starting to look very worse for wear.

    Just hope that things move fast for Kemble now!

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