Apr 012010

This turned up in a Google News search just a few minutes ago:

Professor Phil Jones, the University of East Anglia scientist at the heart of the Climategate scandal is reported to have signed a million dollar contract with Eko-j Publishing last week. The working title of the book is Blowing the Whistle on Climate Science.

Marcus MacGrabbit, CEO of  Eko-J, told reporters, “Climategate was just the beginning. Our legal team are still working on the manuscript, but even with the edits that we know we will have to make this is going to be the publishing sensation of the century. Just to make sure that there are no unforeseen problems we have also arranged a peer review panel to go over every detail. There has already been interest in the film rights.”

In what may be related developments, a number of senior climate scientists, including James Hansen and Gavin Schmidt of the Goddard Institute of Space Studies, have applied for indefinite leave of absence from their posts. Professor Michael Mann, who authored the famous Hockey Stick graph, is rumoured to have admitted himself to the Priory Clinic.

Dr Rajendra Pachauri is expected to announce his resignation as chairman of the IPPC later this week. He intends to spend the next few years at an ashram high in the Himalayas meditating on the futility of science, studying glaciology, and building model railways.

6 Responses to “Phil Jones signs ‘seven-figure’ book deal”

  1. I love April 1. ;-)

  2. “There has already been interest in the film rights.” This would also make an excellent mini-series or soap. “Who leaked FOI2009.zip?” might become as compelling a cliff-hanger as “Who shot JR?” :-D

  3. FLASH!

    Reuters has just reported that world renowned, Nobel Prize winning climate scientist, Rajendra Pachauri, has signed a contract to act as script writer for the Jones story, using parts of his recently published science and sex novel, Return to Almora.

    Oscar-winning director (best science fiction film, 2007) and former US Vice President, Albert Gore, is considering acting as a pro-bono consultant to the venture, although negotiations are still underway.

    Rumors also have it that Oscar-winning actor (best male actor, 2010) Jeff Bridges will play the key role of Dr. Balthasar Klutzbach, an aging climate scientist seeking the true meaning of life, patterned after the real Dr. Phil Jones, while Oscar-winning actor (best male supporting actor, 2005) George Clooney will play the role of Dr. Wiley Fixem, a young paleontologist seeking fame and fortune, patterned after the real Dr. Michael Mann.

    This star-studded cast will reportedly be rounded by actress Scarlett Johansson, playing the key female role of Dr. Penelope Feelbright, a young botanist specializing in the mating habits of Alaskan polar bears, who is torn between two lovers.

  4. Sorry to spoil the fun (Alex and Max) but I always understood that April 1st jokes rebounded onto the teller if attempted after 12:00 noon.

  5. Robin

    Don’t know about Alex, but I am currently visiting California, where it is still 11:00 AM.


  6. Ah well, guess I’m the fool then. :-)

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