A well-informed sceptic recently asked me if I understood why politicians are so keen on global warming. He said that he found this hard to explain. So although Harmless Sky’s blog rules say that party politics are out of bounds, and its impossible to discuss this subject without breaking those rules just a little, I’m going to set down a few reasons why, if I were a politician, I would believe in anthropogenic climate change too.

  1. Talking about climate change is the nearest a politician will ever come to risk free politics. If you don’t believe me, just name one politician whose career has been damaged by joining the crusade against global warming. Proclaiming your intention to cut greenhouse gases by 99.9% before the end of next millennium is so much safer than suggesting a date for troop withdrawals from Iraq, or promising to sort out problems in the National Health Service.
  2. For the last decade, the government and the opposition in the UK have been competing to create the most ‘concerned’ image, and climate change is by far the safest thing to be ‘concerned’ about. If you are ‘concerned’ about street crime or social deprivation, the electorate will expect you to come up with some sensible policies and then they will notice if nothing happens. This does not apply to climate change. Continue reading »

Very soon after the Snowdonia Society’s opposition to Kemble Air Services plans to restart flying operations at Llanbedr Airfield became known, a petition with the title, ‘Llanbedr Airfield yes, yes, yes!’ was circulated in the area. The subtitle was, ‘We who have signed below are in favour of developing Llanbedr Airfield in order to bring jobs to the area, increase tourism and boost the local economy’, so no one was in any doubt about what they were signing up to.Petitions canvasing support for some local issue are not unusual in this area, and one often sees rather dog-eared forms lying on shop counters with a few signatures scrawled on them. What made the airfield petition different was the number of signatures that it attracted in this sparsely populated rural area: over 1200 in little more than a week.

As the Snowdonia Society seemed to be under the impression that they would receive widespread public support for their campaign this must have come as rather a surprise to them.

Not to be outdone, the society launched their own petition Against Llanbedr Airport on the Welsh Assembly web site. Being an internet based operation, this had the potential to attract tens of thousands of signatures. The result was interesting. Continue reading »

A post by Steve Milloy of Junkscience has turned up some interesting figures about the ‘Population Bomb’. Here they are:

Per capita global food production has […] increased by 26.5 percent between 1968 and 2005, according to the World Resources Institute. The number of people who starve to death daily declined from 41,000 in 1977 to 24,000 today, according to The Hunger Project, an organization combating global hunger

If you multiply 24,000 by the number of days in a year, this works out at about 8.7 million deaths from starvation per annum; a million more than the whole population of Greater London.

Later in his article, Milloy mentions that:

According to U.N. statistics, the number of people in the developing world who were considered to be undernourished in 1968 was estimated at about 900 million. That estimate is on track to be reduced by more than 50 per cent by 2015, according to the U.N.

The United Nations is an organisation that loves to take credit for any improvement in the human condition, and it has no shame about self-administered pats on the back. But looking more closely at these figures, we find some rather nasty facts that we should all be ashamed about. Continue reading »

[Note: Ofcom is the UK broadcasting regulator]

The other night, BBC News was able to get it’s teeth into a story that combined two of the Corporation’s favourite hate figures. With the publication of Ofcom’s report based on a sixteen-month inquiry into ITV’s documentary The Great Global Warming Swindle, they had the chance to attack both climate change sceptics and their most despised rival for audiences.

On the 10pm. News Roger Harrabin assured viewers that the inquiry had been brought about by a ‘deluge’ of complaints although, according to Ofcom, there were only 265 of these from the general public. The audience was estimated at 2.7 million. True, there was also a 176-page complaint from a group coordinated by someone called Dave Rado **, but this involved many of the usual suspects in the climate science community including Sir John Houghton, Robert Watson, Bob Ward, the late Bert Bolin and William Connolly*. Ofcom wisely seems to have kept this separate from the other complaints, as it was clearly more in the way of a lobby group campaign than a reflection of wider public disquiet. They argued that the film had mislead the public. Continue reading »

Who said that?

Posted by TonyN on 06/07/2008 at 10:33 am Uncategorized 10 Responses »
Jul 062008

I have not all my facts yet, but I do not think there are any insuperable difficulties. Still, it is an error to argue in front of your data. You find yourself insensibly twisting them round to fit your theories.

This quotation turned up rather unexpectedly in something I was reading this week, and it sounds like good advice for all climate scientists. Unfortunately I can’t offer a prize for identifying who these wise words are attributed to, but can anyone supply the answer WITHOUT using Google?

Yesterday I pointed out that none of the contestants in the recent UK local government elections seem to have benefited from the hype surrounding the supposed dangers of anthropogenic climate change: here. There is also agreement among political commentators of all persuasions that there has been a convulsive change in the UK’s political landscape and that this has nothing to do with the government suffering from mid-term unpopularity; the expectations of the electorate have shifted fundamentally.

During a decade when politics in the UK has been conducted at a level of superficiality that, until now, has cultivated public indifferent to the electoral process, there are one or two MPs who stand out from the mass of lobby-fodder for their willingness to speak their mind in spite of the consequences. Such a person is Bob Marshall-Andrews, a somewhat haggard and care-warn barrister turned Labour MP for Medway. In recent years he has become the conscience of the Labour Party, never failing to ask awkward questions when his party’s policies are at odds with its stated principles. Of course many of his colleagues would like to portray his outbursts as disloyalty, but others with clearer consciences perhaps may secretly admire his integrity.

So at the weekend there was no surprise in finding Marshall-Andrews laying into his party leadership in our most right-wing Sunday newspaper under the headline, ‘Captain Brown is steering his ship onto the rocks’. At the end of his article, after lambasting those among his colleagues who would like to write off the recent electoral disaster as a short-term blip, he thoughtfully suggested a list of six measures that would help steer the ship clear of all danger. One of them was this:


Announce that there will be no third runway at Heathrow or anywhere else, and [impose] levies on oil companies and aviation to enhance renewables research.

Now no one in their right mind relishes the idea of increased noise pollution that an expanded London Airport would cause over the most densely populated part of the country, and those who believe that CO2 released from aircraft is affecting the climate would certainly welcome such decisiveness. But allowing an aviation bottleneck to become worse is not very smart either. Efficient communications is an essential part of any healthy economy.

Nor would many people object to research being directed at developing energy sources that will eventually reduce our dependency on fossil fuels. Cheap, reliable and plentiful sources of energy are also essential to economic growth. But why should the aviation and oil companies be forced to fund research into alternatives energy that will be directed and administered by central government? The age of cheap and secure oil supplies seems to be drawing to a close and market forces will lead them to explore these new technologies in any case.

What Marshall-Andrews is suggesting sounds very much like punitive taxation, but what is their crime?

These industries are responsible for carbon emissions because they provide goods and services that we all consume and see as being essential for our well-being, not because their managements are bogeymen driven by a desire to destroy the planet. Without oil and aviation, economies worldwide would crumble and our living standards with them. The poor, as ever would be the first to suffer.

Recent troubles in the financial markets are a sign of hard times ahead, and governments are going to have to look far more closely at the economic consequences of their actions in coming years. If these putative offenders against environmental rectitude are to be penalised by ‘levies’, the increased costs will, in any case, be passed on to the consumer.

Fear of climate change may have been a useful political device when the going was good, but from now on everyone will be looking at the bottom line far more carefully than they did during a decade of global economic growth and stability. The days when governments could confidently disburse funds to subsidise any politically convenient initiative are over. Politicians will have to be certain that they can justify expenditure if they are to retain the support of an impoverished electorate who are expected to pay the bills.

The so-called ‘battle against climate change’ will be expensive, and taxpayers expect value for money. A far higher standard of evidence that anthropogenic global warming is taking place will be required than is presently available. Perhaps what little evidence there is will at last be considered objectively, rather than through the filter of environmental activism, commercial interest and political expediency.

Bob Marshall-Andrews seems oblivious to the fact that that the advice he is offering to ‘Captain Brown’ is that he should set a course that will inevitably cause his ship to founder. The days when self-indulgent idealists in affluent countries could exploit fashionable concerns about a dimly perceived threat are over. We face a period of economic turbulence that may be more or less severe, but there are few reasons for thinking that it will be short lived. Our leaders will be facing a far more hard-headed electorate who demand realism, not vague but well meaning promises to save the planet.

The old certainties that New Labour have thrived on during a decade of worldwide economic growth and prosperity have lost their political magic. Already the sanctimonious, controlling, and authoritarian approach that Bob Marshall-Andrews is advocating seems to belong to another age.

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