Christmas Greetings

Posted by TonyN on 24/12/2011 at 9:57 am Uncategorized Add comments
Dec 242011

MoelfreView from our garden gate, Christmastime last year

A very merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone

6 Responses to “Christmas Greetings”

  1. A merry Christmas to you TonyN.

    Your snowy view will this year look very different, either demonstrating;

    a) In Dec 2010 around 90ppm of Co2 was sucked out of the atmosphere to make it the coldest December in 100 years and this has been mysteriously replaced by some unknown process to make DEc 2011 very much warmer

    b) There is great natural variability :)


  2. Strangely, despite our very different locations, we look out on a very similar hill over our back fence.
    Have a merry Christmas Tony.

  3. What a marvellous view!

    Of course, the beauty of global warming is that when it snows “it’s actually consistent because higher humidity exists even during the seasonally colder weather and causes more snowfall” (Brenda Ekwurzel, 2011) and when it doesn’t snow, this is because “warmer temperatures are expected to cause more precipitation to fall as rain instead of snow and to reduce the length of the snow season” (WWF, 2006).

    Wishing TonyN and everyone a great Xmas (what’s left of it) and a very happy New Year!

  4. I just thought I’d drop by to show you my first ever effort at a cartoon.

    Happy New Year !

    PS I think Tony has programmed his spam filter to keep me out. Maybe the slight change of name will get me in again?

  5. What a magnificent view! I do hope you can put up another picture this coming Christmas.

  6. Ahh… Preseli Hills. I’m having a small bet we will see snow on top again before December.

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