Am I the only person who’s wondering why the Government has chosen the day when the Leveson Report was published to let Ed Davey launch his energy bill?
I was not wondering why (Anymore than you were Tony!), but I was spitting feathers, when reading the Telegraph, both at the content of the Ed Davey article and the weighting in the coverage – one sixth of a page on energy and eight pages on Leveson. While there are potential dangers to our freedoms with Leveson, I know which one is going to cost us both as individuals and as the broad economy.
And how can he say with a straight face (perhaps it wasn’t!) “The net effect of government policy on energy bills is downwards not upwards”.
Tony, I am sure you are right but the fact that it has been done like this does demonstrate an element (slight?) of nervousness about the public’s reaction to such an asinine piece of work. Can we take hope from this? Probably not, politicians seem to have taken the view that the further they distance themselves from the people they are supposed to be representing the easier their lives will be and the easier it is for them to follow their often highly personal agendae and prejudices. Living in the antipodes as I do I am appalled at the way in which a person by the name of Ternan is turning Australian politics into a complete travesty of democracy. I believe he is an export from UK and I think you should take him back.
Sorry to rant on – a heroic job on 28gate Tony and grateful thanks.
railing on Greetings 2015: “A balustrade is a attractive barrier system that is usually set up along the side of stairways, verandas, or balconies.…” Jul 4, 11:16
TonyN on Harmless Sky is back!: “Barry Many thanks, and it's good to see your name still appearing above comments here and there around the more…” Aug 24, 11:57
TonyN on Harmless Sky is back!: “Neil Hampshire Many thanks for your good wishes. At the moment I'm editing posts for the forthcoming Harmless Sky Bedside…” Aug 5, 18:45
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Well spotted! Nasty, manipulative action, no surprise at all.
I was not wondering why (Anymore than you were Tony!), but I was spitting feathers, when reading the Telegraph, both at the content of the Ed Davey article and the weighting in the coverage – one sixth of a page on energy and eight pages on Leveson. While there are potential dangers to our freedoms with Leveson, I know which one is going to cost us both as individuals and as the broad economy.
And how can he say with a straight face (perhaps it wasn’t!) “The net effect of government policy on energy bills is downwards not upwards”.
Tony, I am sure you are right but the fact that it has been done like this does demonstrate an element (slight?) of nervousness about the public’s reaction to such an asinine piece of work. Can we take hope from this? Probably not, politicians seem to have taken the view that the further they distance themselves from the people they are supposed to be representing the easier their lives will be and the easier it is for them to follow their often highly personal agendae and prejudices. Living in the antipodes as I do I am appalled at the way in which a person by the name of Ternan is turning Australian politics into a complete travesty of democracy. I believe he is an export from UK and I think you should take him back.
Sorry to rant on – a heroic job on 28gate Tony and grateful thanks.