Development? What development

An eagle-eyed reader of Protect Llanbedr noticed this on page 107 of the Environmental Statement Gwynedd Council has made available as part of their so-called consultation about the Llanbedr bypass scheme.


The Economic impact assessment undertaken on this development suggests that the main impacts would be in the development of RPAS [Remotely Piloted Air System – aka drones] activities at the airfield. At the same time, improved road access is also considered to consolidate the employment in the airfield rather than induce huge increases. MRO [maintenance repair and overhaul] activity identified would be reliant in part on the development of the RPAS activities. Further development of the Business park is thought to be likely, although not a significant area of immediate growth.



In line with this, no specific physical development ofthe airfield site is currently planned or anticipated on a significant scale in the near future, with the economic model being based on the growth in industry primarily utilising existing infrastructure.

A 4 9 6 L l a n b e d r A c c e s s I m p r o v e m e n t: VOLUME 1: ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT


Now at the moment, ‘economic activity’ at the airfield seems only to be employing about 7 people full time (see here and here) in face of claims from the operators, Snowdonia Aerospace LLP that 50 jobs and 15 businesses are supported at the site. It really is a little difficult to understand how the traffic caused by half a dozen jobs can justify the construction of a £14m bypass.

It’s even harder to see how all this stacks up with what Snowdonia Aerospace had to say on its Facebook page when they were disputing Shell Island’s right of access for emergency vehicles across the airfield.

We will be unable to guarantee future access due to operational safety, CAA regulations and ongoing development plans. Our investment to date on site has been in excess of £2 million and is ongoing and increasing, with current projected investment being in excess of £20 million.


The Facebook page was later removed without explanation.

Weren’t we all told that a new road was essential to the airfield operator’s plans development?

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